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Полная версияBruce Springsteen - Long Tall Sally (Sydney 2/7/17) cam mix video
Long Tall Sally (Johnson, Penniman, Blackwell) by Little Richard (Speciality 572) 1956.Played on three guest appearances in New Jersy during 1982 and 1983, once with the Stray Cats"(source: chapter "Jukebox Graduate - Other Artists' Songs Performed By Springsteen", from the book: "Springsteen: Blinded By The Light" by Patrick Humphries & Chris Hunt (London, Plexus, 1985)"Springsteen: Blinded By The Light" (Dutch release titled "Springsteen") was my first Springsteen book and it gave a huge amount of information, as detailed as Dr. Henry Jones' Grail DiaryCo-author Chris Hunt died on May 29, this video is dedicatad to ChrisLet's keep collecting and documentingFrankP.S. Lyrics available (subtitles, click the captions icon below the video timeline