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Полная версияSmall Arms of WWI Primer 006: German Reichsrevolver M1879 Revolver
Othais and Mae delve into the story of this WWI classic. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration.C&Rsenal presents its WWI Primer series; covering the firearms of this historic conflict one at a time in honor of the centennial anniversary. Join us every other Tuesday!Reichsrevolver Model 1879Cartridge: 10.6x25R German Ordnance (.44 S&W Russian clone)Capacity: 6 rndsLength: 12.2"weight: 2.3 lbsAdditional reading:The Revolver 1865 to 1888A.W.F. Taylersonhttp://astore.amazon.com/candrprimer-20/detail/B0000CMX7SCentral Powers PistolsJan C. Stillhttp://astore.amazon.com/candrprimer-20/detail/1893513122Notes for this episode:Current funding level: $548.50Minimum funding met! We are now covering cost. So instead of paying to work, we're working for free!Next funding level: $1,000. This level focuses on equipment improvement and covering costs of additional research material. For example, we spent over $350 this month alone on books, OVER minimum funding.Georgy recruited some help this time around. Take some time to browse these great image libraries, curated by friends of the show!https://www.flickr.com/photos/drakegoodman/https://www.flickr.com/photos/35636458@N06/Music provided by Melissa Hyman of The Moon and Youhttp://www.themoonandyou.com/Safe range space thanks to Shoot Logichttp://www.shootlogic.com/In collaboration with The Great Warhttps://www.youtube.com/user/TheGreatWarVisit us at http://candrsenal.comOr go further and support our channel at https://www.patreon.com/CandRsenalALSO! Mae is now in charge of Twitter for the show. So pester her all you like: https://twitter.com/CandRsenal