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    Leonid Kharitonov & Russian Red Army Choir - The Ballad About Russian Boys
    Leonid Kharitonov & Russian Red Army Choir - The Ballad About Russian BoysThe concert in Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, 1965IMPORTANT! I have added English subtitles! Be sure to turn Captions (CC) on in your YouTube player to view the subtitles! It's the last right button on the player's tool bar.=======Леонид Харитонов и Краснознаменный Ансамбль песни и пляски им. Александрова - песня "Баллада о русских мальчишках" (Ради завтрешних дней)Концерт в зале им. Чайковского в Москве, 1965=========LYRICS:Is it possible to forget those Russian boys,Those lads for whom the factory was like a home?In their fathers' old caps and threadbare jacketsThe boys entered the year 1917The canons are pointed at their chests and the wind is roaring at their backsThus, the year 1917 met the boys.The Revolution is looking and its eyes are severe:"Where are you from? Who are you? What are you ready for?"Stubborn hands were raised in reply:"We are ready for heroic deeds! We are ready to suffer!For the sake of joy of the approaching lights,For the hunger, for the gravestones' cold,We are ready for everything for the sake of future days!"The dawn rose over the Earth each year,And Russia was rising, forgetting about the pastIt was pampering the boys with its loveAnd warmed them in its heart as it couldBut suddenly the year 1941 burst into fireGirding the boys with a soldier's belt..The Motherland is looking at them and its eyes are severe:"Where are you from? Who are you? What are you ready for?"Courageous hands were raised in reply:"We are ready for the battle! We are ready for the years of separation!We are ready for the joy of the victorious lights,For hunger, for the gravestones' cold,We are ready for everything for the sake of future days!"Nowadays, the youth are raising space rockets!The Fatherland has given everything they could wish for.But from alien ranges of the sleepless planetDeath threatens to destroy the whole earth completely againThe ashes of the atomic storms are made red-hot!..What shall we do, boys, to keep Youth alive?!History is calling and its eyes are severe:"Where are you from? Who are you? What are you ready for?"Strong hands are raised in reply:"We are taking the whole big Earth under our personal care."Flower and turn green, our dear planet!We love your shimmering lights.We will do everything for the sake of your life!For the sake of future days!============================This song is from this album here -http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=281A4E5ADA20A967Leonid Kharitonov's official page is here -english - http://www.lkharitonov.com/russian - http://www.leonidharitonov.ru/Unofficial KAPPSA blog is here -http://kappsa.wordpress.com/=========
