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    Leonid Kharitonov & the Red Army Choir - "The Cliff" (Утес)
    Leonid Kharitonov & the Alexandrov Red Army Choir - "The Cliff on the Volga River" ("Utyos", with English Subtitles)The concert in Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow1965IMPORTANT! I have added English subtitles! Be sure to turn Captions (CC) on in your YouTube player to view the subtitles! It's the last right button on the player's tool bar.This song is about the fate of the 17th century Russian rebel, Stepan Razin. The lyrics were written in 1864 by novelist A.Navrotsky who was also a member of Narodnaya Volya (Russian: Народная Воля), a secret revolutionary organization perhaps best known for assassinating Tsar Alexander II on March 13, 1881. The song was an anthem for revolutionaries of the late 19th and early 20th century in Russia.You can read more about this song and the performance here -http://www.lkharitonov.com/critical/the-cliff-history/=====================Леонид Харитонов и Краснознаменный Ансамбль песни и пляски им. Александрова - песня "Есть на Волге Утес"Концерт в зале им. Чайковского, апрель 1965 года.Прочитать статью об этой песне можно тут -http://www.leonidharitonov.ru/articles/arts/utes-stepan-razin/LYRICS:There is a cliff on the Volga river covered with wild mossFrom its top to its bottomAnd it stands there for hundreds of years covered with mossKnowing neither need nor care.And it stands there for hundreds of years covered with mossKnowing neither need nor care.Nothing grows on the top of itJust the free wind floats aroundA mighty eagle made his hideout thereAnd there it torments its victims.A mighty eagle made his hideout thereAnd there it torments its victims.Only one man among all others was on that cliffOnly he was able to get to the topAnd the cliff didnt forget this manAnd from then on it was called by the mans name.And that cliff is still there and it still keepsAll the cherished thoughts of Stepan (Razin)And along with only the Volga river it remembers sometimesThe glorious living of the rebel leaderAnd along with only the Volga river it remembers sometimesThe glorious living of the rebel leader!+++++Есть на Волге утёс, диким мохом обросОн с вершины до самого края.И стоит сотни лет, только мохом одет,Ни нужды, ни заботы не зная.И стоит сотни лет, только мохом одет,Ни нужды, ни заботы не зная.На вершине его не растет ничегоТолько ветер свободный гуляет.Там могучий орел свой притон там завелИ на нем свои жертвы терзает.Там могучий орел свой притон там завелИ на нем свои жертвы терзает.Из людей лишь один на утёсе том был,Лишь один до вершины добрался.И утёс человека того не забыл,И с тех пор его именем звался.И поныне стоит тот утёс и хранитВсе заветные думы Степана,И лишь с Волгой одной вспоминает поройУдалое житьё атамана.И лишь с Волгой одной вспоминает поройУдалое житьё атамана.This song is from this album here -http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=281A4E5ADA20A967Leonid Kharitonov's official page is here -english - http://www.lkharitonov.com/russian - http://www.leonidharitonov.ru/Unofficial KAPPSA blog is here -http://kappsa.wordpress.com/(Eastern Orthodox Church)
