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    Мехди Эбрагими Вафа «MEV представляет»: «ЗАЛОГ УСПЕХА»
    Видеоролик "MEV представляет": "ЗАЛОГ УСПЕХА" ✨🌹🙏🏻🙏🏼Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa "MEV presents": "Key to Success"How to avoid mistakes in life... ✨Let only those people get close, whom you will miss being faraway. ✨Do not let yourself speak about a person behind his back more than you can tell him in the eye. ✨Do not believe when people say someone else's words. ✨Give more than you take! ✨Do not lie to yourself, first of all, then you will not deceive others. ✨Do not lose your faith, even when you are on the edge. ✨Do not ever think for other people, do not ascribe your thoughts to them. ✨Be deaf in love, but look attentively. ✨Do not try to be the first, be the best. ✨Do not spare your effort for the good and be kind to yourself. ✨If you want to be heard, speak quietly! ✨Let go of your grudges fast and forget the offenders even faster. ✨Do not be afraid to part with the last possession, perhaps it will turn into a way to the castle of joy! ✨Love!
