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Шум моря, звуки природы и музыка, испанская гитара Волшебная музыка и звуки природы
Пираты Карибского моря Испанская Гитара
New Horizon - Bonus Lost In Grey
Silence Falls - Bonus Lost In Grey
Robins Eyes Bare Infinity
Orions Light Bare Infinity
Hear Me Out Bare Infinity
Sands of Time Bare Infinity
Reaching for the Sun Bare Infinity
Artemis Bare Infinity
Race Of Destiny Bare Infinity
Dragons Stratovarius
Realize AC/DC
Shining Star At Vance
Shore To Aeon Elvellon
Silence Michael Kiske & Amanda Somerville
Real Goo Goo Dolls
The Whole World Is Watching (f Within Temptation
Don't Let Me Go Symfonia
Dance With Death Anfel
Ship Of Doom Xandria
Bang Bang Domina Noctis
Держаться за воздух Би-2
Gott Mit Uns Sabaton
A Ghost in the Trenches Sabaton
Great War Sabaton
The Attack of the Dead Men Sabaton
Seven Pillars of Wisdom Sabaton
My Love, The Phiery Catharsis
Triumph Of Defeat Epica
Сказание снегов Эпидемия
Army of the Night Powerwolf
Walking On The Air vs. Верный Ангел Мой NIGHTWISH vs. CATHARSIS
End of All Hope Nightwish
I Want My Tears Back Nightwish
Arabesque Nightwish
Turn Loose the Mermaids Nightwish
The Crow, The Owl And The Dove Nightwish
Song Of Myself Nightwish
The Carpenter Nightwish
Nymphomaniac Fantasia Nightwish
Once Upon a Troubadour Nightwish
A Return to the Sea Nightwish
Lappi (Lapland): III. This Moment Is Eternity Nightwish
Lappi (Lapland): IV. Etiäinen Nightwish
Elan Nightwish
My Walden Nightwish
Endless Forms Most Beautiful Nightwish