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    No sooner had the fifth generation fighter become a full-fledged weapon of war, but inflame already heated debate about the sixth generation of winged machines. Details to describe the appearance of the latter is difficult, but some trends are already apparent.The conflict of generationsA question of generations of winged machines – a discussion, a clear distinction between them is often not. Time to fill the mouth of the fifth generation is characterized, first of all, the stealth, supersonic cruising speed and super agility, as well as integration into a single information-command system.But no matter how perfect may be the aviation complexes of the fifth generation, they have one weak link: people. It is believed that the combat potential of the fighter today constrain the limits of the human body and mind. That is why there is reason to argue that the cars of the sixth generation can become the polls are unmanned and are capable of speed and agility that did not dream of the designers of the past.However, this seemingly obvious point is fair only partly. The fact that neither great speed, nor outstanding maneuverability already can not save the aircraft from anti-aircraft missiles. Over the past decade the air defense took a big leap forward, and now almost the only salvation from them is stealth.On the other hand, the use of stealth technologies often leads to the deterioration of flight characteristics, and always to a sharp rise in the cost of the aircraft. Especially the price difference is noticeable for unmanned systems. For example, reconnaissance UAV RQ-4 Global Hawk costs 140 million dollars, and promising U.S. vehicles, built on stealth technology, will cost more expensive at times. So the question is, will the sixth-generation fighter drone, largely lies in the economic sphere.According to leading experts, such a plane must exist, in both manned and unmanned versions of the manned option and can be used as lead for a small link that includes multiple unmanned vehicles. But why turn the fighter in control of the drones, wouldn't it be easier to do it from earth? The problem is that UAVs have not yet become fully Autonomous, and sending signals from a distance of several thousand kilometers of the mean delay. In a modern dogfight, where everything is decided by fractions of seconds, such a delay is death. In addition, in serious conflict, both sides will actively use all kinds of jammers: your drones in such moments it is better to stay closer.It is believed that the appearance of combat vehicles of the next generation will be very different from the previous one: more subtle, they should gain even greater flying ability. If the fifth-generation machines able to perform complex maneuvers at subsonic speeds, the sixth generation should do this already at supersonic speed, and the afterburner to gain and hypersonic (greater than Mach 5 – about 6 thousand km/h).In the rest of the cars of the sixth generation are not fundamentally different from the generation of fourth or fifth with two advantages. They learn how to interact more broadly with land or sea connections. Weapons will become more long-range that allows you to operate hundreds of kilometers from the zone of destruction of air defense missile systems of the enemy. Giant price war machines will not allow to create highly specialized aircraft, fighters will only extend its versatility by learning to apply the whole range of existing weapons.The sixth generation a very long time to press the fifth. Even the fighters generation four-plus will serve more than one decade, and even aircraft such as PAK FA and did remain in service until 2050. Modernization potential of modern fighters is very high, and technology of the sixth generation will first find its use on the machines of the previous generation.https://naked-science.ru/article/tech/6-generation-jet-fighter Information for financial support Master Card 5489688013792164 USD 4119979005462481 UAN early thank you SUBSCRIBE I would be GRATEFUL
