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    Fantasy - Фантазия - Justyna Kopania - Юстина Копаня
    Обладательница невероятного навыка, польская художница Юстина Копаня, в своих экспрессивных размашистых работах смогла сохранить прозрачность тумана, легкость паруса, плавное покачивание корабля на волнах. У нее заинтересованный незамутненный взгляд на мир и оригинальная виртуозная манера письма маслом. Больше всего Юстину привлекает красота природы в разное время года, и великолепие погоды. Наверное, поэтому излюбленной темой ее картин являются морские пейзажи, невероятно тонко передающие малейшие нюансы жизни водной стихии.Польская художница Юстина Копаня пишет о себе: Искусство это мое убежище, жизнь, поэзия, музыка, вкусные сигары и крепкий чай, это все и везде. Мои работы отражают мир, каким я его вижу, все мои чувства, люди которых я встречаю и люблю, природу, которой я восхищаюсь, и вещи, которые окружают и влияют на меня. Человек мое основное вдохновение, это главная тема моих работ. Особо мне интересна психология отношений, манеры, движение и внутри человека и окружающего его мира. Предпочтение отдаю живописи маслом на больших холстах, пишу в своей студии, иногда по несколько часов в день. Главное это передать атмосферу картины, мои кусочки из воспоминаний так, чтоб зритель тоже смог их прочувствовать и понять.Justyna Kopania | PolandMy name is Justyna Kopania. I am a painter. Art is my asylum, life, poetry, music, the best cigar, tasty strong tea, everything.My Art reflects the world I perceive with all mysenses; people I meet and love; nature I admire, and all the things that affect the way I am.The Man is my main inspiration and This Man is the principal topic of my project. I am focusing on Their psyche, attitudes, as well as Their appearance, manners and all the complex processes that take place both outside and inside the Man.I cannot imagine existing without my art, my paintings, my inspirations – it is, and will be, an intrinsic part of my life. I prefer oil painting on huge canvases. People from all around Europe find the pieces of their selves in my works and are impressed with the sincerity and truth expressed through them.In my studio - work - I paint a few, sometimes several hours a day. This is typical painting - easel, oil, structural. Paintings are "fleshy." Paint requires both painting, as well as brushes - and I do not regret the paint. Paintings are painted this way - creates a kind of reliefs. Paintings are painted in a sort of style, original ... - Inspired by certain passages of what I see, and stay in my memory. Paitings are entirely painted by hand. I always try to give the climate the moment that stuck in my memory.MeditationsIn painting I try to show the "world", which could be seen by looking at reality that surrounds us, from another perspective, unusual, remote, sometimes through the eyes of the child, sometimes music, composer, or someone who looks lichen on the sea, the moon , the sky and the stars ..., the river ... looks out the window and looks out into the street. Walking down the street looking at people's faces. In rain, snow or fog. Perhaps the world that surrounds us Human really is quite different than we perceive it every day. Perhaps in every drop of rain, the grain of sand, petal snow are millions of colors that you can see, if you look for them, exactly an unusual perspective of our view.I would like to connect and be able to capture the image of time that passes so quickly. Pass a second - which are born minutes. The minutes are created with the hours ... hours - days. From days - weeks. From weeks - months. From months - years. From years - life ...Passing seasons. Passes the snow, the snow comes the rain ... the rain drops tears of God sorrund my face - haltingly straight at me - how he thinks. Passing day ... Place the sun in the sky the moon is replaced ... I would like to be able to stop time ... I look at the clock on the wall ... They come to strip off the clock ... it from the wall. Batteries. Put tem a side. I hang the clock on the site. I sit opposite the window and look into them. Outside my window the rain falls. The sky is dark, cloudy. Just like before removing the battery from the clock. I stopped the clock with the naivete of a child, thinking that would stop the time ... I looked through the window - still clouds float across the sky, raining constantly ... time passes ... the window insists evening.t.b.c.Meditations - next partThe clock strikes the first hour of the night. I finish the painting today. I get up with thestool and taking off the easel painting. It amounts to a secondpeace. I'll be back. I put a stool by the wall. Easel shifts the corner of the studio.I went up to the window and open it. Falls into the cool, fresh air. I look atsky. It is dark and overcast. I do not see the stars on it today ormoon ... time is passing. Clouds do not see the end ... just like the end of time,which takes in its passage .... Time 01: 30 at night. I think. My thoughtsmoving in the direction of art ...
