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SHAMPOO PRANK |PART 12|NEW VIDEOSThis is our 32nd video on this channelThis video is only for fun and the concept is only scripted it doesn't mean to harm any one and The concept is the reaction of the shampoo prank in this video the actor mahabub alom and biki (imran alom) plays an outstanding performance and the member of the video are all 18+ in ageCopyright disclaimerUnder section 107 of the copyright act 1976,allowance is made for"fair use"for purposes such as criticism, comments,news reporting teaching scholarship and research,fair use is a use permitted by statute that might otherwise be infringing non profit or personal use tips the balance in fair useso please subscribe our channel #HASO AUR HASO if you love our video then please like , comments,and share our videoPrankPrank videoShampoo prank Shampoo prank videoShampoo prank funnyShampoo prank comedyShampoo prank videosShampoo prank funny videosFunny prankComedy prankPrank video funnyPrank video comedyFunny videoComedy videoFunnyComedy#haso #funny #prank please keep supporting our channel#HASO AUR HASOEdit by :-maahabub alomLead actor :MAHABUB alom,imran alom(biki) SHOT BY: SOFIQUL ISLAMLicence:- creating common attribution (LICENSED ALLOWANCE FOR REUSE)