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    Alice in Acidland '1968 (DVDRip)
    ALICE IN ACIDLAND (1969)/SMOKE AND FLESH (1968) ******************************************************************Directors: John Donne, Joe MangineSomething Weird Video/Image EntertainmentAfter taking an extended vacation in the psychedelic 60s with their previous double feature of GHETTO FREAKS and WAY OUT, Something Weird has paired one of their most requested whacky drug 'n' sex flicks with a lesser-known counterpart. Those who were anxious to accompany ALICE on her trip to ALICELAND will be sorely disappointed, but SMOKE AND FLESH is an unsung gem of New York City exploitation, which is worth the price of admission alone.Chunky brunette Alice, a recent high school graduate, is introduced to the world of marijuana, alcohol and swinging sex by her college roommate Frieda. Alice and Frieda become galpals, as well as Sapphic donut-bumpers, and go about recruiting other girls to frequent their parties and become easily drawn into their immoral party world. And as we're all warned in high school, pot is a gateway drug, so Alice decides to take the ultimate acid trip after becoming bored with joints and lesbo lovin.' Needless to say, her life ends in ruins, as with all good girls gone bad girl.It took this writer at least eight sittings to finish ALICE IN ACIDLAND. To say it's an uneventful bore would be an understatement. Beneath the enticing title, which promises the story of a young innocent thrust into a world of drugs and depravity a la Lewis Carroll's famous book, crawls a barely hour-long morality play told by narration and no sense of pacing or excitement. About the only thing the film has going for it is the soundtrack. Whether it be breezy jazz library music or hip garage beats, ALICE IN ACIDLAND is far more fun to listen to rather than watch. For example, a groovy song, "Soft Lips," by a local garage band works its way into the overlong marijuana party, where each guest has sex (straight and lesbian) with each other. It's almost 20 minutes long and is never once erotic or even interesting. All of the sex is poorly photographed and the men keep their pants on like similar films from almost 10 years before!Taking a cue from THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939), the director opted to film Alice's climactic acid trip in bold color! After a drab 45 minutes of lousy black-and-white cinematography, the hazy color footage isn't an improvement, but a naked girl disrobing and writhing while a sideview of her breast is superimposed over her is an interesting touch. The color footage was obviously seen as a good opportunity to pile on more nudity with garish light shows projected onto bare flesh, which should please those who think naked girls can save a film. ALICE IN ACIDLAND will prove them wrong. Honestly, with a color acid trip, it is a given to include lots of flashing gel lights, trippy kaleidoscope effects and all the other cliches present in exploitation of the time. Nope, none here, just naked girls with some lights on them. Somehow, all this is enough to drive Alice to the crazyhouse, straitjacket and all, "a mental vegetable." The film features no credits, but those who follow the more obscure nudie flicks of the Sunshine State during the late 60s should recognize the lead actress who plays 'Alice.' She appeared in a number of ultra-low budget flicks for Mitam Productions, including PRIVATE ARRANGEMENT with Uschi Digart! Her name may remain a mystery, because she isn't credited on any of her movies. With an ass the size of Texas and a baby face just asking to be corrupted, she makes for a likable enough heroine. Finally, Something Weird's print (probably the last to exist, this one probably didn't have much distribution outside of California) has several moments near the beginning where frames are missing, so portions of dialogue have been lost to the ages. It's doubtful whether they would have made the film any better.After wasting an hour with Alice, venture across the country to New York City, where an aura of SMOKE AND FLESH awaits adventurous moviegoers. The film opens with a montage of still images representing "the square world" before cutting to two faceless lovers romping in bed representing the counterculture, indulging in sexual freedom in the "underground." It's best to describe SMOKE AND FLESH as a more interesting psychedelic variant of Peter Sellers' THE PARTY from the same year: the focus of the story is a groovy shindig at Turk's place, where go-go dancing girls and lecherous boys brush shoulders while waiting for a special delivery of pot to enliven the festivities. There is barely enough time to introduce a plotline (the whole thing runs a mere 68 minutes), but the standard tokin' and strokin' is interrupted when greasy bikers Skiff, Babe and their buddies abandon a game of billiards and crash the party when they recognize one of the party girls as Babe's ex-girlfriend! Rather than start a rumble at his party, Turk feeds Skiff cubes of LSD thrown into a wine bottle to blow his mind, resulting in an acid trip shown in negative (!) which is way trippier and more horrifying than Alice's!SMOKE AND FLESH, in terms of plot, is barely a feature film, but is an epic in comparison to ALICE IN ACIDLAND and is one of those gems that would never have survived if it hadn't been for Something Weird Video. This crisp-looking black-and-white transfer seems to be from the negative, making it easier to appreciate what an interesting little curio the film is. The opening credits, following a motorcyclist through the city with the camera planted on the front of the bike, display professional talent behind the scenes, and the film as a whole is a marvel to look at. Lighting, cinematography, sound recording and editing (almost all by director Joe Mangine) are all top-notch and prove that just because a filmmaker has a meager budget and a slim script doesn't mean he has to deliver bottom-of-the-barrel garbage. In fact, Mangine seems to have been influenced by fellow East Coast sexploiteer Joe Sarno, who was more interested in storylines, performances and technical beauty than the usual 42nd Street smut peddlers. That being said, unlike Sarno, Mangine has no real flair or interest in the sex act, resulting in awkward close-up smooching and insincere heavy petting between couples at the party. But the script is well-written, the performers game and SMOKE AND FLESH is never boring. Fans of New York City sexploitation may find themselves with a new favorite that has remained lost for too long! Highly recommended viewing!Highlights include the aforementioned opening sequence, almost 10 minutes long and completely silent save for the rock theme, where the motorcyclist ventures into an apartment to purchase a package of weed; a beautiful black female party guest with a hard-to-pinpoint accent shares a pint of ice cream with a stoned companion (who later has whipped cream sprayed all over her busty nude bodice); more awesome motorcycle footage following the biker through the Lincoln Tunnel (!); a unique method of sharing a joint through a discarded paper towel roll; an older couple who indulge in kinky sex acts for book research (hints of Kinsey, and the husband has an obviously fake bald cap!); very cool camera shots from inside of a refrigerator and through a fish tank; and a wonderful documentary feel which places the viewer at one of the coolest parties ever! And yes, Findlay fanatics, that IS lovely Marie Brent (uncredited) as one of the party guests in an interesting scene where she races toy cars with another guest; it escalates into a game of "strip racing," where the loser has to discard a piece of clothing every time he loses. One of her rare sound performances, and featuring embarrassing nudity to boot, the stage actress would take her own life in two years' time because of roles like this. Also making an appearance is muscular stud Alex Mann (I DRINK YOUR BLOOD), who has a brief rendezvous with one lucky gal in one of the rooms in the house, and his PASSION IN HOT HOLLOWS co-star Cherie Winters is the female half of the sexually experimenting couple. On a side note, Mangine was the cinematographer for several favorite cult films, including SQUIRM, ALLIGATOR, MOTHER'S DAY and Rainbeaux Smith's CINDERELLA! SWV gets bonus points for including the awesome garage band theme song from SMOKE AND FLESH on the main menu!!Kicking off the extras is a collection of trailers, including the original preview for SMOKE AND FLESH. It features the provocative female narrator who worked on many trailers in New York City. The preview is obviously geared at the 42nd Street crowd, but features many of the artier moments (including the Jess Franco-esque sex-through-a-fishtank shot) and the exposure of Marie Brent. THE PUSHER, which also appeared on the GHETTO FREAKS disc, was definitely influenced by "Dragnet". The disfigured title character is barely featured in the trailer, but Robert Lansing's detective character is the star anyway. It looks very exciting, with addicted hookers, rock 'em-sock'em fistfights and really great dialogue. THE DEVIL'S HARVEST is a 40s roadshow picture about marijuana dealing and wild parties a la REEFER MADNESS. The trailer accents the WWII time period, proclaiming, "America is at war" but instead referring to the war against narcotics. Something Weird will probably get around to releasing it sometime; it looks great! Gary Graver's THE HARD ROAD is a trailer that shows up everywhere but that's a good thing, because this is possibly the ultimate exploitation movie. The preview "introduces" Connie Nelson (DRACULA VS. FRANKENSTEIN) as the downtrodden high school girl who becomes pregnant, has an abortion, runs away, becomes a hooker and is soon drawn into the world of drugs, peeping, sex and nastiness. The late great John Alderman is her addict boyfriend who forces her to sell herself to buy his junk. CONFESSIONS OF AN OPIUM EATER opens with incredible scenes of women being gathered in fishing nets and dumped on a boat! Vincent Price stars as the head villain involved in drug dealing and the white slave trade. THE NARCOTICS STORY is a docudrama with real former addicts and real policemen re-enacting busts, drug parties and how the law stops the dealers who peddle the poison. It looks quite incredible, and because it's based on "actual testimony" by the cast, is much more appetizing than others of its type! MONKEY ON MY BACK is the true story of former boxer Barney Ross who becomes ensnared by the lure of heroin. Cameron Mitchell gives the performance of his career (not really saying much) as the dope addict. The music will be familiar from the American trailer for THEY CALL HER ONE EYE, and the director Andre de Toth (HOUSE OF WAX) was one-eyed himself! Talk about weird! Want weirder? HOPPED-UP is a very obscure 50s flick about Benzedrine addicts, better known as THE DEVIL'S SLEEP!! Timothy Farrell is the usual slimy mustachioed dealer, and a small town's high school is infiltrated by his peddling ways. The cinematography is by William S. Thompson (Ed Wood's favorite cameraman) and the cast includes Lita Grey (Charlie Chaplin's ex-wife), Mildred Davis (Harold Lloyd's ex-wife) and George Eiferman, the Mr. America of 1948. MARIHUANA is a well-known trailer, with girls stripping and going skinny-dipping in the ocean. It's available on a triple-feature disc with REEFER MADNESS and ASSASSIN OF YOUTH, and is one of the more entertaining roadshow pictures of the time, maybe moreso than the more famous REEFER MADNESS. Finally, THE ACID EATERS is a garish color flick with a pair of biker couples encountering a giant pyramid in the middle of the desert, where they have a crazy acid trip! Buck Kartalian (PLEASE DON'T EAT MY MOTHER!) plays the Devil and the former muscleman is seen shirtless in a beach scene out of his Satan costume, plus busty cult beauty Pat Barrington has a featured role! Something Weird, get this on DVD pronto!Finishing off the disc is a 42-minute edited version of the hardcore film APHRODISIAC!, aka THE SEXUAL SECRET OF ARIHUANA, and it is surprisingly split into 11 chapters. The featurette begins with a dead-serious narrator proclaiming the film is the result of much research, interviewing thousands of people and with the involvement of the United Nations (!!). Yeah right, but it's still an entertaining artifact, even in this abbreviated form. Learn the origin of marijuana and how it was imported into the United States, but more importantly, discover its effects on your sex life! A man-on-the-street interview is hilarious: one subject considers himself privileged to be holding a marijuana cigarette in public and asks the interviewer, "Is it legal to smoke this on Hollywood Boulevard?" Another woman complains that marijuana smoke gives her heartburn. And yeah, one of the men-on-the-street is midget actor Billy Curtis, who was in everything from THE WIZARD OF OZ and PLANET OF THE APES to less-mainstream features like LITTLE CIGARS and EATING RAOUL.Aside from the documentary aspects of the film, APHRODISIAC! features a cast of familiar exploitation faces posing as real people. Personal favorite Sandy Dempsey, who was always dynamite at comic roles in hardcore and softcore sex films, provides a tongue-in-cheek performance as an uptight journalist for a women’s' magazine who is introduced to the wonders of marihuana. Choice line of Sandy dialogue: "Marijuana is the greatest sexual stimulant since the invention of the 12-inch penis, and a hell of a lot easier to find!" Aah, Sandy. According to frequent co-star Candy Samples, Dempsey perished in a boating accident in 1975, but this makes no sense considering she appeared in films shot after that year. Whatever the story, she was a wonderful asset to the sexploitation film industry, and is only now developing the cult she so richly deserves. Beautiful Maria Arnold, star of NECROMANIA, TANYA, WHAM BAM THANK YOU SPACEMAN and countless other hardcore and softcore sex films, was also an adept actress and plays a frigid newlywed woman who is loosened up after devouring a batch of pot cookies. Arnold, wherever she is now, could have had a legitimate career as an actress if she had so wanted, and is a joy in every film she made. A cleanshaven John Holmes is slipped a joint by a devilish-looking waif in his office and joins her in a little hanky panky ("Big John" doesn't make an appearance, but the heavily gyrating and pounding is still hot in this softcore variant). Unsung porn starlet Eve Orlon meets a good-looking black guy while they're protesting on a college campus, and soon are in the bushes smokin' weed and makin' babies as she narrates with wild descriptions ("His skin tasted like sugar! When he jammed his lollipop between my lower lips, I sucked in hungrily!"). Yowza! With great library music from BAD GIRLS GO TO HELL, tons of stock footage and plenty of hot formerly hardcore sex, the full-length version of the film is available from Something Weird's Bucky Beaver XXX catalog, which is packed to the brim with rarities starring your favorite performers. One wishes that someday, SWV can start releasing some of those monstrosities through another more liberal label.Capping off the entire disc is a marvelous gallery of sexploitation movie magazine covers, with awesome radio spots for such oddities as OBSCENITY! OBSCENITY!. Something Weird closes out their off-again, on-again year of 2004 with a disc that, like the GHETTO FREAKS/WAY OUT disc, features a ridiculous, cheap LSD pic and a wonderful hidden masterpiece of low-budget cinema. SMOKE AND FLESH is the reason to pick up this disc pronto, so stop reading and get shopping! (Casey Scott)==============================================================================================================================================================================HomeDVD```````````````Alice In Acidland********************Posted March 7th, 2008 by Jamie Lisk Alice In Acidland (1968) *************************** Wide Release Director: John Donne Written by: Gertrude Steen Running Time: 55 minutes Language: English MPAA Rating: R - Restricted Cast: Colleen Murphy, Buxx Banner, Patty Roberts"Alice In Acidland” is an obscure sexploitation curio from a time when porn was still outlawed in North America and interest in psychedelic drugs was at an all-time high (sorry, no pun). Dressed up as a quasi-documentary, complete with a very stark and monotone narrator, and remote black and white photography, the film presents itself as critical of both illicit drugs and sexual exploration, all the while exploiting, and, for the most part, celebrating, those very things it rales against. Mixed message, you ask? Oh, you don’t know the half of it. The fact that the film looks like one of those cursory "Reefer Madness" anti-marijuana propaganda pieces produced in the 1950’s, was not lost on me.I’m always open to a good mind trip, and since I’ve never indulged in any kind of illicit narcotic, I guess you could say, I rely on movies for that high. It's generally cheaper and I don't have to worry about some overzealous police officer banging down my door when they are looking for a reason to justify their existence. Interestingly, it was the film’s Kubrikian title that most captivated me; “Alice in Acidland” sounds like something that only could have been conceived while under the influence of a psychedelic. The sheer audacity of perverting Lewis Carroll's already trippy original story, was also quite interesting, and conjured many fanciful thoughts, the kind usually reserved for my late-night trysts listening to Pink Floyd.Alice of the title, played by Colleen Murphy, is an attractive and innocent 70’s era high school student growing up in sunny Los Angeles. Her ultra-conservative father, who seems to have grown more and more dictatorial since her mother died, is raising her with an hardened fist. One day Alice and her SoCal beach bunny friend, Kathy, are introduced to the beautiful Frida, who, I’m guessing represents the white rabbit, of Carroll's story. To Alice and Kathy, she represents popularity and a higher social standing. To the narrator, Frida represents some kind of whorish miscreant, and in hindsight, he might have been right. As a selling point, however, she works. Frida looks mature beyond her years and has a magnetic, highly-sexualized personality that isn't easy to forget. It's hardly a stretch to believe that these naive young girls might elect to follow her down the proverbial rabbit hole. Christ, I probably would.After inviting the two ladies to a pool party/barbeque, Frida initiates them into her hedonistic lifestyle, utilizing all the usual methods, namely weed, alcohol and, later, a cluster of hunky men, and the alluring promise of more sex than they can handle. First, however, Frida, a gorgeous and over-sexed girl who swings both ways, wants to get her groove on with the girls, a sort of finder's fee, I guess. In an awkward and slightly erotic scene that borders on pornography, Frida seduces the ingenuous and stoned Alice in a bathroom. Before long, Alice is a full blown member of this bohemian lot, which the narrator says are “hippies”, however, they look more like conservative 50’s era hold-overs. In fact, I didn’t see any long-haired guys or tyedie t-shirts anywhere, but, alas, if you’re speaking of the lifestyle itself, sure, maybe? When a brooding ape named Animal starts showing up at the parties, Alice finds herself drawn to him. During a rather hectic orgy, where Kathy gets it on with a stranger, and Frida tangles with one of the new girls, Alice finds herself being molested by Animal right there in the middle of the living room, and she, seemingly, enjoys it. It's not long before Alice is recruiting unsuspecting girls into the fold, for the group. It's kind of funny watching Alice's boyfriend, Animal, competing with Frida for the chance to bed the new girls.In rare moments of introspection, provided in sporadic voice-overs, Alice notes her downward spiral into decadence and total self-destruction. Due to her never-ending lies, she has completely alienated herself from her father and her past friends. Her former life as a promising student has all but vanished and whatever redeeming qualities she once had, have long since gone away, replaced by something more primal - a person in a constant search for sex and drugs. These moments are few and far between but they do add an extra dimension to the proceedings. It is these moments, in fact, that help elevate the film from the usual nudie-exploitation 'education-film' dreck that permeated the late-sixties/early-seventies movie scene. Late in the film, Alice is slipped a sugar cube doused in acid by Frida during a party. Reminiscing on a friend who committed suicide following a particularly bad trip, Alice quickly realizes what is happening, and attempts to prepare for her own inevitable trip.Obviously inspired by “Wizard of Oz”, the film quickly shifts gears, as the footage suddenly becomes colorized, breaking apart from the restraints of monochrome. It’s a smart move in that the film, up to that point, has presented itself as somewhat detached, almost antiseptic, achieved through its use of black and white footage, the lack of sound and by using long motionless takes – where the folks simply move around in front a stationary camera. Emphasizing red and black colors, Alice’s flashback unravels as the ultimate filthy nightmare and is evidenced in a briskly edited montage comprised of chilling halucinatory images. A heavily symbolic concoction of sex, death and religion, leaves Alice begging for the life she had before drugs entered the picture, and for both love and death. Unlike the Alice character in Carroll’s story, this one is unable to wake up from her dream, something we see in a staggering closing shot.Directed by John Donne, “Alice In Acidland” has become something of a cult hit in recent years, due partially to its obscurity and partially to its surreal drug-like quality. The film also has no credits, and the entire soundtrack is composed of swanky jazz music as well as the voices of Alice and the narrator. Interestingly, Donne went on to direct a number of films after “Alice In Acidland” including “The Bride and the Beasts”, “The House of the Red Dragon’ and “Switcheroo.” Sadly, many of his films have been lost. The film's star, Colleen Murphy, who played Alice, changed her name to Jeanna Lund and went on to appear in at least one hardcore porn movie two years later in 1970. She also appeared as Sheri Jackson in a handful of titles including "The Babysitter", "Wanda The Sadistic Hypnotist" and "Lady Godiva Rides Again". All in all this a film designed to appease those folks out there who like their cinema cut from a different mold. Now if I could just find out the name of the actress who played Frida.==============================================================================================================================================================================_______________________Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4/20 Day: Alice in Acidland **********************************Dude, this holiday is like, totally new. Stoners everywhere find the juxtaposition of these two numbers on the calendar to be symbolic of...um, what does 4-20 stand for again? Seriously, I'm never done drugs, so I don't get it. What I do get is shitty movies so let's focus on that. Something Weird Video is a company that drudges through the vaults to find the movies that movie companies want to bury. Way to dig through the trash, guys! On the plus side, they are the main distributor of the Herschell Gordon Lewis film catalog. On the negative side, they have released The Sex Lives of the Three Musketeers and Tarzun in the Valley of Lust, one of two porn-based parodies of Tarzan. They released the other one too, by the way. Which category does this film fall into? Find out in my review of...The film begins with some narration and three problems are immediate. One- the film is in cheap, dirty-looking black and white. Second, the film stock appears to have been left in a vault filled with water, popping and crackling every other second. Third, the film has no actual on-screen dialogue. All of the plot is conveyed by narration- bad narration at that! When a film reminds me of The Beast of Yucca Flats, it has already failed.The plot is insultingly-simple: new girl comes into town, meets lesbian teacher and gets corrupted by drugs. In their first real meeting together, they smoke pot in front of a Hollywood Hills side pool and go take a bath together. Watch as the teacher takes a full minute to pull down the girl's bottoms, which appears to have been sewn into her skin! In a truly dated bit, the narrator (who was pulled right out of a '30s propaganda film) explains that our Alice was pulled into the 'sex for pleasure' scene. Yeah, she should be in the 'sex for producing two dozen kids because you're afraid of Muslims overtaking the world' scene instead. Ah, you crazy Quiver Fulls.There is almost no more actual plot to this movie. We get another party where we are introduced to a virginal girl. Naturally, she is seduced with drugs and sex. In a bit of hap-hazard writing, we are told that Alice's friend committed suicide after taking acid and the teacher left. Way to show us that, movie! After more random dry-humping and talk about the evils of drugs, we get the film's freak-out scene...five minutes before the end.Gee, hope it was worth the 48 minutes of boredom. We need a stinger to close this 'story' out on though. What do we get? A slow-zooming shot of Alice in a sanitarium, apparently having been driven mad by drugs. Our narrator explains that Alice is doomed and throws in some lazy Alice in Wonderland references. The End.This movie sucked. Seriously, Something Weird either uncovers freaky gold or utter, utter shit. Do you guys need to resurrect every roadshow movie ever made? There is a reason why these films were a product of their time and did not carry on! Lots of things from the '60s lived on well into the 1990s and 2000s, including Woody Allen, slapstick comedy and George Carlin. I do have to applaud the company's ability to dig up crazy shit though- I just don't really want to see all of it. Instead of putting out a double-feature on interracial love movies (they already have, by the way), try tracking down London After Midnight for us. If you do, I'll forgive you for Blood Freak and, maybe, Please Don't Eat My Mother.Next up, my tradition of finding needlessly-obscure movies continues. This time, I bring you another Indian remake of a horror film- this time from Japan. Stay tuned...Posted by Alec Pridg==============================================================================================================================================================================Alice in Acidland 1969 an actually rather tedious moral outrage story directed by John Donne. The black and white shot film turns colour in this segment when the effects of LSD take hold.==============================================================================================================================================================================Алиса в стране кислоты / Alice in Acidland (1969)**************************************************************Название: Алиса в стране кислоты / Alice in Acidland'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Длительность: 55 мин.Рубрики: Драма, ЭротикаГод: 1969Производство: СШАРежиссёр: Джон ДоннеАктёр: Коллин Мерфи, Джулия БлэкбернПродюсер: Джон ДоннеСценарий: Гертруда СтинРейтинг Рейтинг IMDB 3.4 КиноПоиск: 4.19 Рейтинг сайта: 5.82Просмотров: 43766Описание:''''''''''''''''''''''''''Симпатичную студентку Алису и ее подружку Кэйти приглашают на вечеринку. Там Алиса напивается, принимает кислоту и занимается лесбийским сексом. Потом Алиса знакомится с группой сидящих на лсд хиппи, становится участницей изнасилований, самоубийств, разных оргий и т. п. Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным. Rotten Tomatoes ===================================== Rotten Tomatoes ======================================== Rotten Tomatoes ========================= Rotten Tomatoes Alice in Acidland (1968)***************************** All Critics | Top Critics TOMATOMETERNo critic reviews yet...AUDIENCE SCORE75% want to see Alice in AcidlandAverage Rating: 2.3/5User Ratings: 100ADD YOUR RATINGMovie Info''''''''''''''''''''''''Cute and perky college student Alice and her cute and perky friend Kathy are invited to a "pool party" by Freida, a female teacher who is actually a lesbian and has designs on Alice. At the party Alice gets drunk, takes acid and immediately becomes a lesbian, taking a bath with Freida. Later Alice gets mixed up with LSD-addicted hippies.Rating: UnratedGenre: Drama , Classics , Special Interest Directed By: John Donne On DVD: Jan 25, 2005 Cast: Colleen Murphy, Buxx Banner, Patty Roberts rutracker.org =================================== rutracker.org ===================================== rutracker.org ======================================== rutracker.org Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland (Джон Донн / John Donne) [1968 г., драма, DVD9 (custom)] VO + Original + sub********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Список форумов rutracker.org » Кино, Видео и ТВ » DVD Video » Арт-хаус и авторское кино (DVD)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Статистика раздачи: Размер: 6.97 GB Зарегистрирован: 4 года 4 месяца .torrent скачан: 1460 разАвтор colt451Top Seed ****Стаж: 7 лет 9 месяцевСообщений: 211623-Июл-10 21:20 (4 года 4 месяца назад, ред. 23-Июл-10 22:16) Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland*******************************************************Год выпуска: 1968Страна: СШАЖанр: драмаПродолжительность: 54 минПеревод: Любительский (одноголосый)Русские субтитры: естьРежиссер: Джон Донн / John DonneВ ролях: Роджер Гентри, Колин МерфиОписание: Симпатичную студентку Алису и ее подружку Кэти приглашают на вечеринку.Там Алиса напивается, курит марихуану и познает радости секса.Потом Алиса знакомится с группой сидящих на ЛСД хиппи.Когда она принимает ЛСД, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Фильм снят вскоре после официального запрета ЛСД и призван продемонстрировать американской молодежи пагубное последствие употребления этого психоделика.Культовая классика.Доп. информация:'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''релиз Something Weird. соотв. каверукроме русского звука и титров в релиз изменений не вносилось.меню не корректировалось, переключение звука и титров - с пульта.софт - PGCDemux, Adobe Audition, DVDLab, VobBlankerсэмпл - http://ifolder.ru/18645611звук здешний (http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3002073)любительская озвучка сделана по отвратительным субтитрам.титры - с Синемаскопа, раздача subhuman; из его комментария: "Субтитры брал пару лет назад на torrents.ru, но ту раздачу давно прикрыли. Субтитры, которые раздают на феникс-клубе, более неграмотные и косноязычные, чем эти."правда, они тоже далеки от совершенства. да еще местами враныепришлось переписать напрочь.на диске море допов.они весьма интересны!увы - без перевода...пример изысканности языка:)````````````````````````````````````````````` титры с Синемаскопа: "Он убедил ее в том, что, если она присоединится к вечеринке, то он отмажет ее, когда она вернется домой" ититры с Феникс-клуба (по которым делалась озвучка): "Он убедил её, что, если бы они объединились на встрече, потом они возвратились бы в дом и он излечил и спас бы её".Качество: DVD9Формат: DVD VideoВидео кодек: MPEG2Аудио кодек: AC3Видео: NTSC 720x480 4:3Аудио: DD2.0 английский, русский (224 kbps) + субтитры русскиеDVD-info_____________________Статус: v проверено.torrent скачан: 1460 разРазмер: 6.97 GBWidzminСтаж: 4 года 8 месяцевСообщений: 17023-Авг-10 02:29 (спустя 30 дней, ред. 23-Авг-10 02:29)Фильм для взрослых) Ересь! Антипропаганда!?! Зверушки.. Режиссёр совмелтил два понятия тогдашнего слова Лиззи (Lizzy) - ЛСД и лесбо.. Все развлекаются всоответствие своей морали.. На такое могу ответить http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1499473 и http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=169046 и http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=124737Из чернобелого советую http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2305070vilantobeСтаж: 5 летСообщений: 12923-Авг-10 19:18 (спустя 16 часов)А как на счет фильма AcidEaters? Нигде не могу его отыскать. Он, по-моему, тоже года 68го.colt451Top Seed ****Стаж: 7 лет 9 месяцевСообщений: 211623-Авг-10 21:05 (спустя 1 час 47 минут)> http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1499473неудачная ссылка!вот эта лучше - http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1285036 WidzminСтаж: 4 года 8 месяцевСообщений: 17024-Авг-10 00:19 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 24-Авг-10 00:19)colt451, возможно, я лишь сослалса на этот чудесный фильм. А каждый может набрать в поиске и выбрать подобающий..hangloose, нема за шо.. (http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=175396)WidzminСтаж: 4 года 8 месяцевСообщений: 17004-Ноя-10 18:32 (спустя 2 месяца 10 дней, ред. 04-Ноя-10 18:32)vilantobeAcid Eaters есть у пират. (7.30 Gb) Там ещё бонусный материал интересен, а фильм так (же) себе.. GothxСтаж: 6 лет 2 месяцаСообщений: 95Откуда: планета h14-Мар-11 22:21 (спустя 4 месяца 10 дней)ни хера не психоделичный фильм, просто эротика какая-то галимая.ulitkanaskloneСтаж: 4 года 6 месяцевСообщений: 273colt451Фильм переводил Алексеев, вроде нормально,обратитесь к нему..Тихо, тихо ползи улиткапо склону Фудзи,вверх до самых высот..systematorСтаж: 5 лет 10 месяцевСообщений: 37530-Янв-12 14:27 (спустя 10 месяцев)Gothx писал(а):ни хера не психоделичный фильм, просто эротика какая-то галимая.причем актриски старенькие, некоторые с отвисшими титьками но пытаются изображать 17-20 летних молодух.фильм - говно по всем параметрам.void-avoidСтаж: 3 годаСообщений: 1009-Апр-12 02:29 (спустя 2 месяца 9 дней)посмеялась, спасибо)) я так понимаю существует целый перечень ретро-прона (эротики, ладно), у которого сюжет завязан на антикислотной пропаганде) типа, жила была хорошая наивная школьница-студенточка, и как лсд довело ее до состояния отъехавшей развратной кисы)) наверно хипаны тех лет ходили на такое "поржать"Skachivatel1Стаж: 3 годаСообщений: 307-Дек-12 05:43 (спустя 7 месяцев)По саундтреку есть информация у кого-нибудь? Там готовая музыка разных групп использовалась или специально для фильма записали?__________________________________________________________________________________________Список форумов rutracker.org » Кино, Видео и ТВ » DVD Video » Арт-хаус и авторское кино (DVD) =============== rutracker.org ========================= rutracker.org ============ 2 ============== rutracker.org ====================================== rutracker.org =================Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland (Джон Донн / John Donne) [1968, США, драма, DVDRip-AVC] VO + Original + Sub (rus)************************************************************************************************************************************************************Список форумов rutracker.org » Кино, Видео и ТВ » Арт-хаус и авторское кино```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Статистика раздачи``````````````````````````````````Размер: 772 MB Зарегистрирован: 3 года 5 месяцев .torrent скачан: 3354 разаСиды: 12 [ 0 KB/s ] Автор: gjiAm'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''AVC-ВидеоСтаж: 6 летСообщений: 81622-Июн-11 15:46 (3 года 5 месяцев назад, ред. 26-Июн-11 14:35) Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland*********************************************************Страна: СШАЖанр: драмаГод выпуска: 1968Продолжительность: 00:54:01Перевод: Любительский (одноголосый закадровый)Cубтитры: русскиеНавигация по главам: есть (7 глав)Режиссер: Джон Донн / John DonneВ ролях: Джулия Блэкберн, Колин МерфиОписание: Симпатичную студентку Алису и ее подружку Кэти приглашают на вечеринку. Там Алиса напивается, курит марихуану и познает радости секса. Потом Алиса знакомится с группой сидящих на ЛСД хиппи. Когда она принимает ЛСД, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Фильм снят вскоре после официального запрета ЛСД и призван продемонстрировать американской молодежи пагубное последствие употребления этого психоделика.Культовая классика.imdb: 3.4/10 (271)kinopoisk: 4.321 (114)Доп. информация: ```````````````````````````По умолчанию включена оригинальная дорожка с субтитрами.Made with MeGUI, muxed with mkvmerge.Charles Tatum, "eFilmCritic" писал(а):В фильме "Алиса в стране Кислоты" преобладает плохая режиссура и плохая актерская игра. Он раздражающе скучен и смотрится очень дешево. А еще мне он понравился больше, чем "Оливер!", получивший в том же 1968 году 5 Оскаров.Качество: DVDRip (DVD9)Формат: MKVВидео кодек: AVCАудио кодек: AC3Видео: 708x480@708x540; 1550 kbps; 23,976 fps; 0,185 bppАудио #1: English; AC3; 224 kbps; 2 ch; OriginalАудио #2: Russian; AC3; 224 kbps; 2 ch; VOСубтитры #1: RussianScreenshotsSource vs Encodemediainfox264 logFAQ по просмотру MKV/h.264/AACДля пользователей CoreAVC: корректное воспроизведение данного релиза декодером CoreAVC версии 1.9.5 и младше без включения CUDA acceleration невозможно. Решение проблемы ->pic pic Обсуждение релизов в AVC формате_____________________________Статус: v проверено.torrent скачан: 3354 разаРазмер: 772 MB'I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.' ~ Ayn Rand.'Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.' ~ Robert G.Ingersollhabak-_-Стаж: 4 года 3 месяцаСообщений: 224Откуда: Kyiv26-Июн-11 13:51 (спустя 3 дня)оценки на аймдб не радуютEvilTeethСтаж: 7 лет 4 месяцаСообщений: 32626-Июн-11 14:19 (спустя 27 минут)avast! находит вирусы в скриншотах, может лучше перезалить на другой хостинг?Извините за оффтоп.gjiAmAVC-ВидеоСтаж: 6 лет26-Июн-11 14:36 (спустя 17 минут)EvilTeeth,да, и в самом деле... Спасибо, перезалил.'I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.' ~ Ayn Rand.'Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.' ~ Robert G.IngersollJubraedСтаж: 5 лет 5 месяцевСообщений: 7016-Июл-12 16:32 (спустя 1 год)фильм - безосновательная пропаганда вреда ЛСД, причём походит на порнухуRaTTСтаж: 9 лет 6 месяцевСообщений: 1319-Фев-13 18:06 (спустя 7 месяцев)Jubraed писал(а): фильм - безосновательная пропаганда вреда ЛСД, причём походит на порнухучто значит безосновательная? колпак отъехать может спокойно, у меня есть к сожалению подобные знакомые. так что нихера безосновательного.martian82Стаж: 6 лет 1 месяцСообщений: 220-Фев-13 13:27 (спустя 19 часов)кушайте ЛСД, только инструкции Хофмана прочитайте заранее!JubraedСтаж: 5 лет 5 месяцевСообщений: 7024-Фев-13 23:34 (спустя 4 дня)RaTT писал(а):что значит безосновательная? колпак отъехать может спокойно, у меня есть к сожалению подобные знакомые. так что нихера безосновательного.только в случае, если есть скрытая форма сложных психических заболеваний, таких как шизофрения.мне один рассказывал, что у него есть друг, который мысли читать умеет. мне верить ему?я верю научным исследованиям. За всё время не зафиксированно никакого отрицательного влияния ЛСД, кроме как бед трип - но это лишь опыт пережить страшное, случается редко, обычно у проблемных людей - с серьёзными комплексами. поэтому нужен смотрящий, который проследит.rasistСтаж: 6 лет 5 месяцевСообщений: 263625-Фев-13 00:08 (спустя 34 минуты)Jubraed писал(а):За всё время не зафиксированно никакого отрицательного влияния ЛСД, кроме как бед трип - но это лишь опыт пережить страшное, случается редко, обычно у проблемных людей - с серьёзными комплексами. поэтому нужен смотрящий, который проследит.Это не совсем объективно, были случаи самоубийств и несчастных случаев. ЛСД, конечно, не игрушка, лучше уж пусть все будет именно так, как сейчас - с немного сгущенными красками общественного мнения по отношению к этому изобретению века. Новопопробовавшие будут аккуратней.Внимание!!! Сюда НЕ ТЫКАТЬ!!! The Big Combo (1955), The Naked Dawn (1955)ХВАТИТ ЖРАТЬ!!!MeloshinСтаж: 2 года 8 месяцевСообщений: 993Откуда: с 12-го этажа11-Ноя-13 23:59 (спустя 8 месяцев)прикольно: порнушка против ЛСД.особенно школьникам понравятся такие антинаркотические фильмы.К моему великому удивлению, всё негативное, что у нас говорилось и писалось про капитализм, оказалось правдой.Георгий Данелия.Илья RainСтаж: 4 года 1 месяцСообщений: 359Откуда: Саратов16-Сен-14 03:37 (спустя 10 месяцев, ред. 16-Сен-14 03:37)на редкость скучный фильм. "культовая классика" анти-ЛСД пропаганды. нельзя, потому что нельзя. а как же Тимоти Лири, Джон Лилли, Маккена, Хаксли, Эбби Хоффман, Роберт Антон Уилсон и другие? Meloshin, плюсую. =============== rutracker.org ========================= rutracker.org ============= 3 ============= rutracker.org ====================================== rutracker.org =================Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland (Джон Донн / John Donne) [1968 г., эротика, драма, DVDRip] VO*************************************************************************************************************************************Список форумов rutracker.org » Кино, Видео и ТВ » Арт-хаус и авторское кино````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Статистика раздачи`````````````````````````````````Размер: 445 MB Зарегистрирован: 4 года 6 месяцев .torrent скачан: 4510 разСиды: 2 [ 0 KB/s ] Автор `````````````ПАНДЕМОНИЙСтаж: 4 года 8 месяцевСообщений: 11Алиса в стране Кислоты / Alice In Acidland******************************************************Год выпуска: 1968Страна: СШАЖанр: эротика, драмаПродолжительность: 00:54:01Перевод: Любительский (одноголосый)Русские субтитры: нетРежиссер: Джон Донн / John DonneВ ролях: Roger Gentry, Colleen Murphy Описание ***************Симпатичную студентку Алису и ее подружку Кэйти приглашают на вечеринку.Там Алиса напивается, принимает кислоту и занимается лесбийским сексом. Потом Алиса знакомится с группой сидящих на лсд хиппи, становится участницей изнасилований, самоубийств, разных оргий и т.п. Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным. Культовая классика.Качество: DVDRipФормат: AVIВидео кодек: XviDАудио кодек: MP3Видео: 576x432(4:3) 29.970fps 1011kbps MPEG-4Аудио: 44,1Hz stereo 128kbps 2chpicПеревод: UrasikoОзвучивание: slavnus________________________Статус: # сомнительно.torrent скачан: 4510 разРазмер: 445 MBТворите, влюбляйтесь, дышите полной грудью, но не забывайте об осторожности, помните: Дьявол не дремлет!Drew^13Стаж: 6 лет 4 месяцаСообщений: 2864Откуда: torrents.ru09-Июн-10 18:19 (спустя 1 день 21 час, ред. 09-Июн-10 18:19)guginotv http://pornolab.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=279021Здесь закрывали уже неоднократно._________________Голосуем за новую фичу в µTorrent!MartinGeroСтаж: 4 года 9 месяцевСообщений: 17015-Июн-10 06:45 (спустя 5 дней)Цитата:Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Смотрел когда-то фильм: в черно-белое кино попадают наши современники-зрители, кино скучное- серое, без эмоций, но благодаря попавшим люди познают радость, любовь, секс..и вещи в фильме постепенно становятся цветными. Может кто-нибудь знает название? harlykСтаж: 7 летСообщений: 2515-Июн-10 07:28 (спустя 43 минуты)звучит интригующе, глянем - заценим)pdv00Стаж: 5 лет 4 месяцаСообщений: 115-Июн-10 13:53 (спустя 6 часов)MartinGero писал(а):Цитата:Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Смотрел когда-то фильм: в черно-белое кино попадают наши современники-зрители, кино скучное- серое, без эмоций, но благодаря попавшим люди познают радость, любовь, секс..и вещи в фильме постепенно становятся цветными. Может кто-нибудь знает название?PleasantvilleКуклофагСтаж: 5 лет 5 месяцевСообщений: 1015-Июн-10 19:03 (спустя 5 часов)Спасибо, поблевал. Sex, Drugs and Rock&Roll глазами пиндосского жлоба.svetka7777Стаж: 7 лет 5 месяцевСообщений: 50303-Июл-10 09:21 (спустя 17 дней)Куклофаг писал(а):Спасибо, поблевал. Sex, Drugs and Rock&Roll глазами пиндосского жлоба.а по-твоему это понятие придумали не пиндосы? молдоване, думаешь?Все будет хорошоme3harraСтаж: 6 летСообщений: 70Откуда: CH-R LAND19-Июл-10 05:00 (спустя 15 дней)Помогите с субтитрами. Ведь есть же.Творчество меняет мир, а неординарное творчество создаёт его. © alivedeathcolt451Top Seed ****Стаж: 7 лет 9 месяцевСообщений: 211623-Июл-10 21:35 (спустя 4 дня)помог!бери - http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3075767Национальный2Стаж: 6 лет 1 месяцСообщений: 3527-Окт-10 22:50 (спустя 3 месяца 4 дня)так тут есть перевод или нет?http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=29446447grehembellyСтаж: 3 года 11 месяцевСообщений: 717-Янв-11 03:03 (спустя 2 месяца 20 дней)MartinGero писал(а):Цитата:Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Смотрел когда-то фильм: в черно-белое кино попадают наши современники-зрители, кино скучное- серое, без эмоций, но благодаря попавшим люди познают радость, любовь, секс..и вещи в фильме постепенно становятся цветными. Может кто-нибудь знает название?"Добро пожаловать в Плезантвиль" как праильно пишется не помню. Особенно интересная сцена , где мастурбация приводит к воспламинению дереваPeople assume that time is a straight progression of cause to effect but actually from a non-linear non-subjected viewpoint it's more like a ball of wibbly-wobbly timey whimey. ...stuff.ВО СвободаСтаж: 6 лет 1 месяцСообщений: 9428-Мар-11 21:30 (спустя 2 месяца 11 дней)есть кто на раздаче?НовыйСтильСтаж: 3 года 11 месяцевСообщений: 10Откуда: Брест19-Апр-11 11:53 (спустя 21 день)я такое описание нашёл:Фильм Alice in Acidland был снят в США в 1968-м году, то есть вскоре после официального запрета ЛСД, и представляет собой явную агитку, призванную продемонстрировать американской молодёжи, к каким пагубным последствиям может привести употребление этого психеделического средства.в главной роли Бриджит Бардо (Brigitte Bardot). Сюжет предельно прост: американские дяденьки и тётеньки веселятся на чьей-то вилле, купаются в бассейне, потом начинают целоваться, потом - стаскивать друг с дружки лифчики, колготки, трусы, - и пошло-поехало.В конце концов одну из тётенек - ту самую Алису - угощают кислотой. Тут фильм, до этого бывший чёрно-белым, становится цветным; при помощи бесхитростных спецэффектов, способных вызвать у современных зрителей лишь снисходительную улыбку, изображён кислотный трип, всякие там цветочки, колокольчики - и вдруг Алиса уже сидит в смирительной рубашке, глядя прямо перед собой ничего не выражающим взглядом, а бесстрастный голос за кадром произносит что-то вроде: "Бедная Алиса! Теперь она в сумасшедшем доме, и здесь ей придётся провести всю оставшуюся жизнь. Будет знать, как принимать ЛСД!"Wiasel_FakeСтаж: 4 годаСообщений: 231-Май-11 16:30 (спустя 1 месяц 12 дней)MartinGero писал(а):Цитата:Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Смотрел когда-то фильм: в черно-белое кино попадают наши современники-зрители, кино скучное- серое, без эмоций, но благодаря попавшим люди познают радость, любовь, секс..и вещи в фильме постепенно становятся цветными. Может кто-нибудь знает название?Плезантвильzerx111Стаж: 2 года 10 месяцевСообщений: 117-Янв-12 02:21 (спустя 7 месяцев)MartinGero писал(а):Цитата:Когда Алиса принимает лсд, фильм из черно-белого становится цветным.Смотрел когда-то фильм: в черно-белое кино попадают наши современники-зрители, кино скучное- серое, без эмоций, но благодаря попавшим люди познают радость, любовь, секс..и вещи в фильме постепенно становятся цветными. Может кто-нибудь знает название?Это кино называется Плезантвиль. Your Amazon.com ============================ Your Amazon.com =============================== Your Amazon.com ============================ Your Amazon.com ======================== Alice in Acidland / Smoke and Flesh ******************************************Julia Blackburn (Actor), Roger Gentry (Actor), John Donne (Director, Producer) Rated: NR (Not Rated) Format: DVD6 customer reviewsList Price: $9.98Price: $7.79 & FREE Shipping on orders over $35. You Save: $2.19 (22%)In stock on December 16, 2014.Order it now.Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available.18 new from $4.64 8 used from $8.96 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Product Details Actors: Julia Blackburn, Roger Gentry, Donn Greer, Sheri Jackson, Janice Kelly Directors: Joseph Mangine, John Donne Writers: Joseph Mangine, Gertrude Steen Producers: John Donne Format: Multiple Formats, Black & White, Closed-captioned, Full Screen, NTSC, Special Edition Language: English Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. Read more about DVD formats.) Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 Number of discs: 1 Rated: NR (Not Rated) Studio: Something Weird Video DVD Release Date: December 28, 2004 Run Time: 122 minutes Average Customer Review: 2.7 out of 5 stars - see all reviews (6 customer reviews) ASIN: B00068S3VY Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #215,014 in Movies & TV (See Top 100 in Movies & TV) Would you like to update product info, give feedback on images, or tell us about a lower price? . Learn more about "Alice in Acidland / Smoke and Flesh" on IMDbSpecial FeaturesNone.This is an old black and white bump and grind shoot. - Julian KennedyThe cuts are obvious - no attempt was made to make them flow with the movie... the music and voice over narration cut awkwardly with each instance of trimmed footage. - Perry BlackThis last scene is intended to be a shocker so I won't spoil anything for you here. - Matthew G. Sherwin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Customer Reviews```````````````````````````Alice in Acidland / Smoke and Flesh******************************************6 Reviews''''''''''''''''''''''''5 star: (0)4 star: (1)3 star: (3)2 star: (1)1 star: (1) Average Customer Review is 2.7 out of 5 stars (6 customer reviews)********************************************************************************Most Helpful First ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''86 of 86 people found the following review helpful2.0 out of 5 stars This is a CENSORED version of ALICE, August 9, 2005 ********************************************* By Perry Black (under your desk) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I own a VHS copy of ALICE IN ACIDLAND, purchased from Something Weird years ago. I am a big fan of 60's exploitation / drug trip flicks and ALICE IN ACIDLAND has always been one of my favorites.I finally upgraded to DVD and I was completely disappointed.This DVD of ALICE is a cut, censored version of the film. Ten to fifteen second chunks have been lifted here and there, leaving jarring jump cuts in their places. And near the end of the film, an entire scene has been eliminated. The cut footage is all shots containing full frontal nudity and/or the more brutal violence.The cuts are obvious - no attempt was made to make them flow with the movie... the music and voice over narration cut awkwardly with each instance of trimmed footage.The run time info on the box is even wrong... on the box, the original run time of ALICE is listed: 62 minutes. But the version on the DVD only runs 53 minutes with all the cuts.I have been a Something Weird fan for years... But now I am disappointed in the company. They used to be a haven for unfiltered, non-PC, full-on-raunchy exploitation, horror, psycodelic, and just downright odd cinema... stuff the masses wouldn't care for. So why CUT a movie to (presumably) appeal to the masses???I'll hesitate before I buy another Something Weird DVD.I give this DVD 2 stars instead of one because the other
